About Arfan Bhatti

Arfan Bhatti is a Qualified Solicitor practicing Property and Public Law department dealing with all property related work and Judicial Review cases against public bodies. Read more about Arfan or give him a call.

Free Seminar – Housing outside of the Housing Act

As Housing practitioners  both old and those still in training know that sometimes despite having the best grounds for overturning Intentionally Homeless finding for a s202 review and pushing it through, the Local Authority don’t always see eye to eye Continue reading Free Seminar – Housing outside of the Housing Act

Does a Tribunal have a right to re-look at Schedule 2 when deciding a Support group appeal?

The question raised by AE v Sectary of State for Work and Pensions [2014] UKUT 005 (AAC) CE/2928/2013 is whether the tribunal on an appeal for the Support Group Component (Schedule 3) can look at Schedule 2 at the same Continue reading Does a Tribunal have a right to re-look at Schedule 2 when deciding a Support group appeal?